Project maintained by cloudzfyHosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
"Project Euler exists to encourage, challenge, and develop the skills and enjoyment of anyone with an interest in the fascinating world of mathematics."
Multiples of 3 and 5
Even Fibonacci numbers
Largest prime factor
Largest palindrome product
Smallest multiple
Sum square difference
10001st prime
Largest product in a series
Special Pythagorean triplet
Summation of primes
Largest product in a grid
Highly divisible triangular number
Large sum
Longest Collatz sequence
Lattice paths
Power digit sum
Number letter counts
Maximum path sum I
Counting Sundays
Factorial digit sum
Amicable numbers
Names scores
Non-abundant sums
Lexicographic permutations
1000-digit Fibonacci number
Reciprocal cycles
Quadratic primes
Number spiral diagonals
Distinct powers
Digit fifth powers
Coin sums
Pandigital products
Digit cancelling fractions
Digit factorials
Circular primes
Double-base palindromes
Truncatable primes
Pandigital multiples
Integer right triangles
Champernowne's constant
Pandigital prime
Coded triangle numbers
Sub-string divisibility
Pentagon numbers
Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal
Goldbach's other conjecture
Distinct primes factors
Self powers
Prime permutations
Consecutive prime sum
Prime digit replacements
Permuted multiples
Combinatoric selections
Poker hands
Lychrel numbers
Powerful digit sum
Square root convergents
Spiral primes
XOR decryption
Prime pair sets
Cyclical figurate numbers
Cubic permutations
Powerful digit counts
Odd period square roots
Convergents of e
Diophantine equation
Maximum path sum II
Magic 5-gon ring
Totient maximum
Totient permutation
Ordered fractions
Counting fractions
Counting fractions in a range
Digit factorial chains
Singular integer right triangles
Counting summations
Prime summations
Coin partitions
Passcode derivation
Square root digital expansion
Path sum: two ways
Path sum: three ways
Path sum: four ways
Monopoly odds
Counting rectangles
Cuboid route
Prime power triples
Product-sum numbers
Roman numerals
Cube digit pairs
Right triangles with integer coordinates
Square digit chains
Arithmetic expressions
Almost equilateral triangles
Amicable chains
Su Doku
Large non-Mersenne prime
Anagramic squares
Largest exponential
Arranged probability
Optimum polynomial
Triangle containment
Special subset sums: optimum
Pandigital Fibonacci ends
Special subset sums: testing
Special subset sums: meta-testing
Minimal network
Diophantine reciprocals I
Diophantine reciprocals II
Primes with runs
Bouncy numbers
Non-bouncy numbers
Counting block combinations I
Counting block combinations II
Red, green or blue tiles
Red, green, and blue tiles
Pandigital prime sets
Digit power sum
Square remainders
Disc game prize fund
Efficient exponentiation
Prime square remainders
Ordered radicals
Palindromic sums
Cuboid layers
Hexagonal tile differences
Repunit divisibility
Composites with prime repunit property
Prime cube partnership
Large repunit factors
Repunit nonfactors
Prime pair connection
Same differences
Singleton difference
Fibonacci golden nuggets
Special isosceles triangles
Pythagorean tiles
Modified Fibonacci golden nuggets
Investigating progressive numbers, n, which are also square
Perfect Square Collection
Investigating the Torricelli point of a triangle
Investigating multiple reflections of a laser beam
How many reversible numbers are there below one-billion?
Investigating a Prime Pattern
Rectangles in cross-hatched grids
Exploring Pascal's triangle
Searching for a maximum-sum subsequence
Searching a triangular array for a sub-triangle having minimum-sum
Paper sheets of standard sizes: an expected-value problem
Writing 1/2 as a sum of inverse squares
Investigating Gaussian Integers
Exploring Pascal's pyramid
Counting Capacitor Circuits
Counting Digits
Solving the diophantine equation 1/a+1/b= p/10n
Exploring strings for which only one character comes lexicographically after its neighbour to the left
Digital root sums of factorisations
Factorial trailing digits
Hexadecimal numbers
Cross-hatched triangles
Numbers for which no three consecutive digits have a sum greater than a given value
Criss Cross
Investigating Ulam sequences
Number Rotations
Exploring the number of different ways a number can be expressed as a sum of powers of 2
Find the largest 0 to 9 pandigital that can be formed by concatenating products
Finding numbers for which the sum of the squares of the digits is a square
Investigating numbers with few repeated digits
Using up to one million tiles how many different "hollow" square laminae can be formed?
Counting the number of "hollow" square laminae that can form one, two, three, ... distinct arrangements
Fractions involving the number of different ways a number can be expressed as a sum of powers of 2
Right-angled triangles that share a cathetus
Integer angled Quadrilaterals
Step Numbers
Consecutive positive divisors
Rational zeros of a function of three variables
Investigating in how many ways objects of two different colours can be grouped
RSA encryption
Maximum product of parts
Triangles containing the origin
Number Mind
Connectedness of a network
The hyperexponentiation of a number
Tri-colouring a triangular grid
Maximising a weighted product
Prize Strings
Best Approximations
Squarefree Numbers
Coloured Configurations
Inscribed circles of triangles with one angle of 60 degrees
Prime triplets
Investigating the behaviour of a recursively defined sequence
Ambiguous Numbers
Iterative Circle Packing
Find the 200th prime-proof sqube containing the contiguous sub-string "200"
Subsets with a unique sum
Squarefree Binomial Coefficients
Generalised Hamming Numbers
Dice Game
Concealed Square
Integer partition equations
Robot Walks
Circular Logic
Obtuse Angled Triangles
Divisor Square Sum
Combined Volume of Cuboids
Flea Circus
Totient Chains
Crack-free Walls
Investigating the primality of numbers of the form 2n2-1
Balanced Numbers
Perfect right-angled triangles
Skew-cost coding
Heighway Dragon
Alexandrian Integers
Sphere Packing
Almost right-angled triangles I
Almost right-angled triangles II
Tribonacci non-divisors
A Scoop of Blancmange
The Chase
Minkowski Sums
Four Representations using Squares
Fibonacci Words
The prime factorisation of binomial coefficients
The Race
Lattice points on a circle
Semidivisible numbers
An Arithmetic Geometric sequence
Luxury Hampers
Tours on a 4 x n playing board
Infinite string tour
Twenty-two Foolish Primes
Top Dice
Perfection Quotients
Odd Triplets
Tangents to an ellipse
Squares under a hyperbola
Numbers for which Euler’s totient function equals 13!
Prime Subset Sums
Cardano Triplets
Convex Holes
Tidying up
Sums of Digit Factorials
Rounded Square Roots
Tatami-Free Rooms
Angular Bisectors
A lagged Fibonacci sequence
Reachable Numbers
Stone Game
Pivotal Square Sums
Mountain Range
An engineers' dream come true
Triangle Centres
Binary Circles
Pseudo Square Root
Counting numbers with at least four distinct prime factors less than 100
Polynomials with at least one integer root
Cutting Squares
Modular Cubes, part 1
Modular Cubes, part 2
Sum of Squares
Divisibility Multipliers
Balanced Sculptures
Primitive Triangles
A Modified Collatz sequence
Linear Combinations of Semiprimes
Triangles with integral sides and an integral angle
Ant and seeds
Pizza Toppings
The Ackermann function
Integer sided triangles for which the area/perimeter ratio is integral
Steady Squares
Pythagorean odds
Scoring probabilities
Quadtree encoding (a simple compression algorithm)
An enormous factorial
Eulerian Cycles
Digital Signature
Panaitopol Primes
Pythagorean Polygons
Pseudo-Fortunate Numbers
Sum of digits - experience #23
Lenticular holes
Angular Bisector and Tangent
Zeckendorf Representation
Selective Amnesia
Three similar triangles
Protein folding
Strong Achilles Numbers
Multiples with small digits
Reflexive Position
Paper-strip Game
Chip Defects
An amazing Prime-generating Automaton
Integer Ladders
Nim Square
Biclinic Integral Quadrilaterals
Cyclic paths on Sierpiński graphs
Sliding game
The Mouse on the Moon
Digital root clocks
Numbers in decimal expansions
2011 nines
Bounded Sequences
Factorials divisible by a huge integer
Swapping Counters
Binomial coefficients divisible by 10
Bitwise-OR operations on random integers
Building a tower
Stone Game II
Modulo Summations
Rooms of Doom
Lowest-cost Search
Prime Frog
Euler's Number
Cross flips
Spherical triangles
Special partitions
Spilling the beans
Gathering the beans
Maximix Arrangements
Totient Stairstep Sequences
Cutting Rectangular Grid Paper
Peredur fab Efrawg
Crazy Function
Golomb's self-describing sequence
The totient of a square is a cube
Fractional Sequences
Silver dollar game
Matrix Sum
Strong Repunits
Largest integer divisible by two primes
Sum of a square and a cube
Langton's ant
Constraining the least greatest and the greatest least
Hexagonal orchards
Blood tests
Risky moon
Distances in a bee's honeycomb
Maximal coprime subset
Largest roots of cubic polynomials
Prime generating integers
Cyclic numbers
Hilbert's New Hotel
Scary Sphere
Subsequence of Thue-Morse sequence
Squarefree factors
Bézier Curves
Comfortable distance
A huge binomial coefficient
Stone Game III
Bozo sort
A Kempner-like series
Geometric triangles
Licence plates
Pencils of rays
Circumscribed Circles
Maximum Integer Partition Product
Minimum of subsequences
Nontransitive sets of dice
Sum of digits, experience 13
Triangle Triples
Least common multiple count
Amazing Mazes!
(prime-k) factorial
Generating polygons
Divisibility comparison between factorials
Rudin-Shapiro sequence
Ellipses inside triangles
Maximum length of an antichain
Harshad Numbers
Distinct Lines
Platonic Dice
Triangles with non rational sides and integral area
Hopping Game
Enmeshed unit circle
Migrating ants
Eating pie
Pythagorean tree
Weak Goodstein sequence
Triangle on parabola
Cutting rope
Squarefree Fibonacci Numbers
Fibonacci tree game
Sum of squares of divisors
Integer-valued polynomials
Lattice points enclosed by parabola and line
Crisscross Ellipses
A rectangular tiling
Guessing Game
Admissible paths through a grid
Nim Extreme
Circle and tangent line
Uphill paths
Gnomon numbering
One-child Numbers
Kaprekar constant
Titanic sets
A frog's trip
Reciprocal cycles II
Factorisation triples
Look and say sequence
2x2 positive integer matrix
Prime factors of n15+1
Sequence of points on a hyperbola
Consecutive die throws
Prime connection
Box-ball system
Necklace of circles
Sum of squares of unitary divisors
Range flips
Square Space Silo
Totient sum
Steps in Euclid's algorithm
Rigid graphs
Polynomials of Fibonacci numbers
Unfair wager
Fibonacci primitive roots
Integer part of polynomial equation's solutions
Sum of sum of divisors
GCD and Tiling
The inverse summation of coprime couples
Eleven-free integers
GCD sequence
The Roundtable Lottery
Retractions A
Retractions B
Retractions C
Average least common multiple
Chocolate covered candy
Hypocycloid and Lattice points
Modular inverses
Long Products
Lattice Quadrilaterals
Diophantine reciprocals III
Powers With Trailing Digits
Triangles containing the origin II
A polynomial modulo the square of a prime
Permutations of Project
Flipping game
An ant on the move
Almost Pi
Permutation of 3-smooth numbers
A weird recurrence relation
Möbius function and intervals
Polar polygons
Distinct terms in a multiplication table
Smooth divisors of binomial coefficients
Empty chairs
Super Ramvok
Triangle inscribed in ellipse
Comfortable Distance II
Phigital number base
Last digits of divisors
Music festival
Circle Packing II
Number Sequence Game
Roots on the Rise
The Last Question
Chef Showdown
The incenter of a triangle
Repeated permutation
Arithmetic Derivative
Maximum number of divisors
Palindrome-containing strings
Sums of power sums
Unbalanced Nim
Common factors between two sequences
Jumping frog
Double pandigital number divisible by 11
Exploding sequence
Under The Rainbow
Collatz prefix families
Writing n as the product of k distinct positive integers